GLUT를 사용하지 않습니다.
GLFW 나 GLEW 를 사용하는 에제를 추천합니다.
아래 예제는 GLEW 를 사용합니다.
OpenGL 소개: OpenGL, GLFW, GLEW란? [OpenGL E02]
OpenGL 설치: GLEW, GLFW 다운로드법과 Visual Studio에서 OpenGL 사용하기 [OpenGL E03]
Titan Voyager
GitHub - EtherealPtr/Titan-Voyager-Custom-Game-Engine: 3D FPS game written from scratch in C++ and OpenGL.
3D FPS game written from scratch in C++ and OpenGL. - GitHub - EtherealPtr/Titan-Voyager-Custom-Game-Engine: 3D FPS game written from scratch in C++ and OpenGL.
A 3D first person shooter game written in C++ and OpenGL. The game takes place on a mysterious moon where the player is attempting to retrieve some valuable data before being ambushed by a group of spherical entities.
대학 때 만든 작품의 수준....
GitHub - EtherealPtr/Titan-Voyager-Custom-Game-Engine: 3D FPS game written from scratch in C++ and OpenGL.
3D FPS game written from scratch in C++ and OpenGL. - GitHub - EtherealPtr/Titan-Voyager-Custom-Game-Engine: 3D FPS game written from scratch in C++ and OpenGL.
원자자 소개 페이지
Rony's Portfolio
Pathfinder (personal project 2023) A 2D application written in C++ and the Vulkan API to showcase the A* pathfinding algorithm. Titan Voyager (personal project 2019) First-person shooter game made in C++ and OpenGL. I developed this game as a personal proj