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[언리얼] 블루프린트 핵심 키워드(1) Utilities

by 나스닥171819 2023. 9. 18.







Actor Has Tag See if this actor's Tags array contains the supplied name tag 
Target is Actor
Add Tick Prerequisite Actor Make this component tick after PrerequisiteActor 
Target is Actor Component
Add Tick Prerequisite Component Make this component tick after PrerequisiteComponent. 
Target is Actor Component
Async Load Asset Asynchronously loads a Soft Object Reference and returns object of the correct type if the load succeeds
Async Load Class Asset Asynchronously loads a Soft Class Reference and returns class of the correct type if the load succeeds
Class Is Child Of Determine if a class is a child of another class. 
Target is Kismet Math Library
Copy Outputs a copy of the value passed into it.
Deproject Screen to World Transforms the given 2D screen space coordinate into a 3D world-space point and direction. 
Target is Gameplay Statics
DestroyActor Destroy the actor 
Target is Actor
Does Implement Interface Does Implement Interface 
Target is Kismet System Library
Editor Destroyed Editor Destroyed 
Target is VPViewport Tickable Actor Base
Equal (Class) Returns true if A and B are equal (A == B) 
Target is Kismet Math Library
Equal (Object) Returns true if A and B are equal (A == B) 
Target is Kismet Math Library
Equal (SoftClassReference) Returns true if the values are equal (A == B) 
Target is Kismet System Library
Equal (SoftObjectReference) Returns true if the values are equal (A == B) 
Target is Kismet System Library
Get Actor List from Component List Returns an array of unique actors represented by the given list of components. 
Target is Kismet System Library
Get Actor Of Class Find the first Actor in the world of the specified class. This is a slow operation, use with caution e.g. do not use every frame. 
Target is Gameplay Statics
Get Actor Tick Interval Returns the tick interval of this actor's primary tick function 
Target is Actor
Get All Actors Of Class Find all Actors in the world of the specified class. This is a slow operation, use with caution e.g. do not use every frame. 
Target is Gameplay Statics
Get All Actors Of Class with Tag Find all Actors in the world of the specified class with the specified tag. This is a slow operation, use with caution e.g. do not use every frame. 
Target is Gameplay Statics
Get All Actors with Interface Find all Actors in the world with the specified interface. This is a slow operation, use with caution e.g. do not use every frame. 
Target is Gameplay Statics
Get All Actors with Tag Find all Actors in the world with the specified tag. This is a slow operation, use with caution e.g. do not use every frame. 
Target is Gameplay Statics
Get Attach Parent Actor Walk up the attachment chain from RootComponent until we encounter a different actor, and return it. If we are not attached to a component in a different actor, returns nullptr 
Target is Actor
Get Attach Parent Socket Name Walk up the attachment chain from RootComponent until we encounter a different actor, and return the socket name in the component. If we are not attached to a component in a different actor, returns NAME_None 
Target is Actor
Get Attached Actors Find all Actors which are attached directly to a component in this actor 
Target is Actor
Get Command Line Returns the command line that the process was launched with. 
Target is Kismet System Library
Get Component Tick Interval Returns the tick interval for this component's primary tick function, which is the frequency in seconds at which it will be executed 
Target is Actor Component
Get Data Table Row Attempts to retrieve a TableRow from a DataTable via it's RowName
Get Display Name Returns the display name of a class 
Target is Kismet System Library
Get Editor Property Attempts to retrieve the value of a named property from the given object. 
Target is Kismet System Library
Get Frame Count Returns the value of GFrameCounter, a running count of the number of frames that have occurred. 
Target is Kismet System Library
Get Life Span Get the remaining lifespan of this actor. If zero is returned the actor lives forever. 
Target is Actor
Get Object Name Returns the actual object name. 
Target is Kismet System Library
Get Outer Object Returns the outer object of an object. 
Target is Kismet System Library
Get Path Name Returns the full path to the specified object. 
Target is Kismet System Library
Get Skip Assigning Gamepad to Player 1 Get Skip Assigning Gamepad to Player 1 
Target is Game Maps Settings
Get Tickable when Paused Gets whether this actor can tick when paused. 
Target is Actor
Get View Projection Matrix Returns the View Matrix, Projection Matrix and the View x Projection Matrix for a given view 
Target is Gameplay Statics
Get Viewport Mouse Capture Mode Returns the current viewport mouse capture mode 
Target is Gameplay Statics
GetClass Returns the class of a passed in Object, will always be valid if Object is not NULL 
Target is Gameplay Statics
Has Launch Option Checks the commandline to see if the desired option was specified on the commandline (e.g. -demobuild) 
Target is Gameplay Statics
Is Actor Tick Enabled Returns whether this actor has tick enabled or not 
Target is Actor
Is Component Tick Enabled Returns whether this component has tick enabled or not 
Target is Actor Component
Is Split Screen Returns whether we're currently running in split screen (more than one local player). 
Target is Kismet System Library
Is Unattended Returns true if running unattended (-unattended is on the command line) 
Target is Kismet System Library
Is Valid Return true if the object is usable : non-null and not pending kill 
Target is Kismet System Library
Is Valid Class Return true if the class is usable : non-null and not pending kill 
Target is Kismet System Library
Is Valid Soft Class Reference Returns true if the Soft Class Reference is not null 
Target is Kismet System Library
Is Valid Soft Object Reference Returns true if the Soft Object Reference is not null 
Target is Kismet System Library
Load Asset Blocking Resolves or loads a Soft Object Reference immediately, this will cause hitches and Async Load Asset should be used if possible 
Target is Kismet System Library
Load Class Asset Blocking Resolves or loads a Soft Class Reference immediately, this will cause hitches and Async Load Class Asset should be used if possible 
Target is Kismet System Library
NotEqual (Class) Returns true if A and B are not equal (A != B) 
Target is Kismet Math Library
NotEqual (Object) Returns true if A and B are not equal (A != B) 
Target is Kismet Math Library
NotEqual (SoftClassReference) Returns true if the values are not equal (A != B) 
Target is Kismet System Library
NotEqual (SoftObjectReference) Returns true if the values are not equal (A != B) 
Target is Kismet System Library
Project World to Screen Transforms the given 3D world-space point into a its 2D screen space coordinate. 
Target is Gameplay Statics
Remove Tick Prerequisite Actor Remove tick dependency on PrerequisiteActor. 
Target is Actor
Remove Tick Prerequisite Component Remove tick dependency on PrerequisiteComponent. 
Target is Actor Component
Resolve Soft Reference Resolves a Soft Reference or Soft Class Reference into an object/class or vice versa. If the object isn't already loaded it returns none.
Select Return the option at Index, (first option is indexed at 0)
Select Class If bPickA is true, A is returned, otherwise B is 
Target is Kismet Math Library
Select Object If bPickA is true, A is returned, otherwise B is 
Target is Kismet Math Library
Set Actor Tick Enabled Set this actor's tick functions to be enabled or disabled. Only has an effect if the function is registered This only modifies the tick function on actor itself 
Target is Actor
Set Actor Tick Interval Sets the tick interval of this actor's primary tick function. Will not enable a disabled tick function. Takes effect on next tick. 
Target is Actor
Set Component Tick Enabled Set this component's tick functions to be enabled or disabled. Only has an effect if the function is registered 
Target is Actor Component
Set Component Tick Interval Sets the tick interval for this component's primary tick function. Does not enable the tick interval. Takes effect on next tick. 
Target is Actor Component
Set Editor Property Attempts to set the value of a named property on the given object. 
Target is Kismet System Library
Set Life Span Set the lifespan of this actor. When it expires the object will be destroyed. If requested lifespan is 0, the timer is cleared and the actor will not be destroyed. 
Target is Actor
Set Skip Assigning Gamepad to Player 1 Modify "Skip Assigning Gamepad to Player 1" GameMapsSettings option 
Target is Game Maps Settings
Set Suppress Viewport Transition Message Sets the state of the transition message rendered by the viewport. (The blue text displayed when the game is paused and so forth.) 
Target is Kismet System Library
Set Tick Group Changes the ticking group for this component 
Target is Actor Component
Set Tickable when Paused Sets whether this component can tick when paused. 
Target is Actor Component
Set User Activity Tells the engine what the user is doing for debug, analytics, etc. 
Target is Kismet System Library
Set Viewport Mouse Capture Mode Sets the current viewport mouse capture mode 
Target is Gameplay Statics
Set Window Title Sets the game window title 
Target is Kismet System Library
ToObject (interface) Converts an interfance into an object 
Target is Kismet System Library
ToSoftClassReference (SoftClassPath) Converts a Soft Class Path into a base Soft Class Reference, this is not guaranteed to be resolvable 
Target is Kismet System Library
ToSoftObjectReference (SoftObjectPath) Converts a Soft Object Path into a base Soft Object Reference, this is not guaranteed to be resolvable 
Target is Kismet System Library
ToString (SoftObjectReference)

Converts a Soft Class Reference to a string. The other direction is not provided because it cannot be validated 
Target is Kismet System Library